News > February 27, 2021

Fitshortie stays Fruitarian in Freezing Temps!

We’re pleased to be joined by our friends Tina & Simon from @fitshortie! These rare fruit hunters were featured on the Discovery channel for their frugi travels and can be seen on YouTube enjoying tree-fallen durians, juicy jungle mangoes, and just generally living the fruitarian dream.

What you may not know about Tina and Simon is that they hail from Poland and Belgium, respectively, and have spent several winters as fruitarians in extremely cold and inhospitable climates.

They share their top 15 winter tips with us below!


1. TOUR THE SUPERMARKETS in your area and assess who has the best of what.

2. JUICE to hydrate and balance out the dehydrating raw foods we may eat more of during winter months.

3. EAT CITRUS! Abundant and affordable in winter months, citrus is also warming!

4. BANANA BERRY SMOOTHIES for calories and nutrition.

5. INCLUDE OVERT FATS as they are warming to the body and easily available.

6. EAT AT LEAST 2,000 CALORIES per day, more if you’re active.

7. FIND RAW INSTAGRAMMERS in your country and see what they’re eating!

8. BUY BRAZILIAN MANGOES by the case–they ripen beautifully and are great quality.

9. EXPERIMENT and get creative. Fruity nori rolls might be your new favorite thing!

10. SEMI-DEHYDRATED BANANAS for variety, no need for a fancy dehydrator to do this!

11. GET IN THE SUN whenever possible.

12. VIEW FOOD AS FUEL and focus on developing other skills, goals, or interests.

13. MAINTAIN AN EXERCISE ROUTINE to encourage healthy food choices.

14. PLAN A WINTER VACATION IN THE TROPICS if you have the flexibility to do it.

15. SHOP WITH A PRECISE LIST to avoid running out of fruit during the week or getting distracted by other items while shopping.


BONUS TIP FROM US: attend the Woodstock Fruit Festival and gather inspiration & support from like-minded people to carry you through the chilliest of winter months!